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Consciousness in the Quantum Paradigm

We’re experiencing a collective shift in consciousness on the planet today. More and more people are beginning to awaken from the illusion of reality and are finding new meaning and purpose in life as the veil of forgetfulness is lifted, and we remember who we are and why we came here.

 Although we are in the dawn of a new age of human evolution, human thought is still very much stuck in the Newtonian way of operating. Through advancements in science and technology over the past 100 years, a new vision for how we relate to the world is emerging.



 The Newtonian paradigm is based on 3D concepts of duality, materialism, separatism, and reductionism. Thought processes are linear, predictable and logical. Newtonian physics is the science of the 3D physical material world and focuses on that which is larger than atoms and particles as building blocks that make up reality. With Newtonian physics we’re able to predict outcomes with a high degree of precision.

 The Quantum paradigm on the other hand, is based on the multi-dimensional concepts of polarity, energy in form, oneness, and a unified field of consciousness. Quantum physics focuses on how energy behaves on a subatomic level where we are introduced to a new reality based in potentiality. In short, the observer affects the observed and the observed affects the observer. All potential outcomes already exist and there is always more than one result waiting to happen. More simply put, the mind influences the result so a definite outcome can never be predicted.



“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  ―Nikola Tesla


This means energy responds to thought and intention. We create our experience of reality by visualizing a desired outcome and setting intentions and expectations in alignment with that result. The Universal Law of Attraction decrees that you attract into your life that with which you are in vibrational alignment. The heart and mind are powerful generators of creative energy that work like magnets to attract people and circumstances to your life that are in harmony with achieving your desired outcome.

When we think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, we can liberate ourselves from the mindset that our thoughts and feelings are influenced by outside circumstances of the 3D physical world. On the contrary, everything we experience in the 3D physical world is the resulting manifestation of what originated as thought and intention.


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein


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