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COVID-19, Bill Gates, DARPA and The Vaccine

America is facing a constitutional crisis and our basic human rights and civil liberties are being threatened. Tension and frustration are rising as more and more of us begin to question the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis in this country. Many Americans are now challenging the status quo and demanding answers. It can be a daunting task to search for the truth in an endless ocean of misinformation (as I learned while doing research for this article), plus you run the risk of being labeled a conspiracy theorist for challenging the official narrative. Now we’re facing censorship at extreme levels as Facebook, YouTube, Google are yanking any narrative that does not comply with the official narrative of the WHO, siting:

“We quickly remove flagged content that violate our Community Guidelines, including content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local healthy authority recommended guidance on social distancing that may lead others to act against that guidance.”

Regular healthcare professionals, doctors and nurses are being shut down on these platforms for sharing their honest perspectives of what they are seeing taking place in their environments. Empty hospital beds, nurses getting laid off, questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines, questioning numbers and models and voicing any opinion other than that of the WHO are just a few reasons these professionals are being deplatformed. This is quite alarming.

Bill Gates and Vaccines

Who is Bill Gates and why are they shoving him down our throats? Bill Gates is not an elected official nor is he a doctor. He is not a genius and he didn’t invent DOS. By all accounts, Bill Gates is a businessman. He is a billionaire, technocrat and a known eugenicist, like his father Bill Gates Sr. He owns the World Health Organization as its second largest funding source only to the US government. Bill Gates is famously quoted for stating we could “reduce the world population by 10% -15% using vaccines and reproductive health services.”

Bill Gates is a long-time outspoken proponent of vaccinations. Some of his other interests include human integration of AI and promoting neoliberal economic ideas and corporate globalization initiatives. Bill Gates also privately bankrolls hundreds of universities (the ones producing all the datasets and models available for public consumption) and controls Silicon Valley, media outlets, NGOs as well as Facebook, YouTube and Google. Basically, if you’re watching TV, clicking around online, consuming news media or reading an article in a major publication, you are definitely being indoctrinated into this man’s world of thinking.

So, who is Bill Gates and what does he believe in? I did some digging to see what I could find on this man’s professional background and was floored by what I found. This man has been peddling his vaccines all over the world leaving an absolute trail of death and irreparable damage behind him everywhere he goes. The primary goals of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are to “enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty.” They want us to believe that vaccines are the solutions to the world’s problems. It is abundantly clear that the eugenicist ideology comes into play heavily here because what better way to reduce the world’s population and end extreme poverty than to basically stop all the poor people from reproducing, right? Problem solved.

What’s Bill Gates’ track record with vaccines?

In 2014, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Kenya accused The World Health Organization of administering tetanus vaccines that were found to contain known anti-fertility compounds to young girls leaving them sterilized.

 “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated, forceful, population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine.” -Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association. Also, there was no outbreak of tetanus in Kenya at the time, only the “perceived threat” of tetanus due to local flood conditions. Do you see a correlation here? Similar allegations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.

Bill Gates and his vaccines are also under fire in India as Indian doctors blame Gates for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children between 2000 - 2017. In 2017, the Indian government asked Gates to leave India and take his vaccines with him. NPAFP rates dropped sharply.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain and in fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

In 2014 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded a round of HPV vaccine tests in remote villages in India. Of 23,000 young girls, approximately 1200 suffered severe side effects including fertility and auto-immune disorders. This case is currently in India’s Supreme Court.

Prior to 2001, there was no autism in Vietnam. In 2001, Vietnam signed into the WHO International Monetary Fund and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation introduced the vaccination program in Vietnam. Since then, there has been an over 300% increase in autism cases. Dr. Anthony Phan, MD was quoted, “There was no autism in Vietnam before Bill Gates brought his vaccines.”

Event 201

Event 201 took place on October 18, 2019 approximately six weeks before the first coronavirus illness was reported. Hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum, Event 201 was a high-level pandemic simulation exercise. Not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation setup and participate in the exercise, but they also happen to fund the group that owns the coronavirus patent that is already working on a vaccine. Coincidence?

Bill Gates and DARPA

Bill Gates has partnered with DARPA and the Pentagon to develop a new nanotech vaccine for COVID-19. Reread that and pause to let that soak in for a second. DARPA develops weapons and advanced technology for the military. What do DARPA and Bill Gates have to do with medicine or healthcare? Keep reading.

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence or the NSCAI is a US government organization created a few years ago by one of the more recent National Defense Authorization Acts and appointed by various Senate committees. Their membership is chaired by Eric Schmidt the former head of Alphabet, Google's parent company, and the vice chair is a former Deputy Secretary of Defense with ties to the Center for a New American Century think tank. The other members are a combination of Silicon Valley interests, CIA intelligence community members specifically In-Q-Tel and members or former members of the DOD and Pentagon. This group is tasked with setting recommendations for how AI can be used to advance national security interests and what needs to be done with respect to AI in order to maintain a technological advantage over China not just militarily but also economically.

The AI Agenda to Ensure Global Technological Advantage

We’re seeing Silicon Valley plus the intelligence community and the military all coming together and using the coronavirus crisis to advance their goals and agendas. In May 2019 this agency put out a document where they essentially layout the need for what they call legacy systems that exist in the US to be removed so that these artificial intelligence driven systems and policies can be implemented in order to ensure a technological advantage over China. These legacy systems include things like how we buy and own things and even how we receive medical care. What can be replaced with technology, will be replaced with technology. We see extreme urbanization where everything you do in your life is controlled by technology.

We’ve also seen a big media push to get a lot of positive PR to these new systems. For example, drones delivering medicine to isolated patients, driverless delivery cars are now bringing goods to people all under the guise of protecting public health. These technologies are being implemented with the support of the government and the media is in lockstep with them trying to push these big changes onto the economy. The effect of the lockdowns and the economic impacts of those are redesigning the economy in a huge way. A lot of jobs will never come back, and these AI systems will become an integral part of life if these people get their way.

Nanobots and the New Vaccines

These new vaccines, specifically the RNA and DNA vaccines that they're promoting must be combined with nanotechnology to work but they don’t really tell you that. Nanobots or nanites are trackable, injectable, microscopic robots that when activated by frequency can do just about anything from deliver medicine to an infected cell to grabbing a sperm by the tail and injecting it into an ovum – fertilizing the egg; They can also influence human thoughts and can induce the appearances of images directly into the brain. They can be programmed and controlled from outside of your body. Nanobots can connect to a technological cloud where human thoughts and emotional processes can be influenced. This technology can also replicate itself in your body if instructed.

The groups controlling all of this believe they can greatly enhance the human intellect and physiology by introducing AI into the human body – furthering multiple alternative agendas not the least of which is to protect the health or well-being of its people. If that were the case, they wouldn’t be killing us with sugar, fluoridated water and artificial food with no nutritional value. Think about it. These are horrific dystopian applications that would completely upend human freedom and human thought and independence as we know it if these sickos get their way.

RNA an DNA vaccines are a category of vaccine that have been around for a couple years but have not been approved for human use because they don't generate the immune response necessary within the human body.  DARPA has been working on this technology openly for over ten years and has openly claimed their intentions for the use of this technology as a weapon against our enemies. This technology shows an insane potential for misuse compared to any other solution in common use right now.

Now, enter Bill Gates and his miracle vaccine. In April 2020, Gates quoted, "Things won’t go back to normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to the entire world." So, if we expect to see any level of normalcy in our lives ever again, we’ll be waiting with bated breath for Gates’ vaccine.  Meaning, if you want to go to a bar with friends, enjoy a music concert or a date night or do anything in public ever again, you’ll have to get the vaccination.

The vaccine is a delivery vehicle for the technology. Period. There will be no medicine in the vaccine because they haven’t been able to isolate the virus and purify it to prove it is in fact a virus. If you can’t isolate the virus from the genetic material to prove it’s a virus, you can’t inject it into a living host to prove it’s a disease. If you haven’t isolated the virus, you can’t properly test for it and you can’t create a vaccine for it. This is common knowledge which is why we shouldn’t expect to see a ‘regular’ vaccine but one of these new and improved nanobot vaccines. The doctors that are telling us to watch out for this are getting censored and banned from the internet.

This is pure undiluted psychopathy. We are living in a globalized version of Nazi Germany. Asking questions and making sense out of things for yourself is essential. I’ve been accused of being a conspiracy theorist and contributing to the fear and I’ve lost friends for speaking up for what I believe is right in the past. A friend pointed out to me the definition of a conspiracy theorist that I found interesting and I wanted to share it here:

“The term [conspiracy theory] has a pejorative connotation, implying that the appeal to a conspiracy is based on prejudice or insufficient evidence. Conspiracy theories resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and an absence of evidence for it are re-interpreted as evidence of its truth, whereby the conspiracy becomes a matter of faith rather than something that can be proved or disproved.”

Do you see how the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit together? Seeing things that don’t make sense and trying to make sense out of it is absolute normal human behavior. Being labeled a conspiracy theorist should not be a concern that deters you from seeking and speaking the truth. “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” is a quote that comes to mind. Meaning, you can bury your head in the sand and turn a blind eye all you want; I’m going to continue my fight for your rights and freedom to do just that.

There needs to be an emphasis on unity in the collective right now. This has to do with us working together to transcend the two-party narrative, undivided to fight a technocratic police state and their over-reaching agendas that everyone on both sides should ostensibly oppose.  The divisive media ploys, propaganda and fearmongering is all meant to cause further confusion and separation. While we all argue amongst ourselves, they are implementing a global control system; This isn’t just exclusive to the US, and the agendas are all being accelerated in an effort to ‘save us from this horrible coronavirus pandemic’. What we see is precrime on a healthcare level and they’re telling us that we must submit to these technologies for our own good. This is real Black Mirror shit. Pay attention.

The time to awaken is NOW. The time to take your power back is NOW. They want and need your approval for all of this to work. Don’t give it to them. Remember your Divinity and free will. Stay strong and vigilant. And please don’t take anyone’s word for anything, not even mine. Knowledge is power and the information is all out there, so go find it and discern for yourself what resonates as the truth.

1 comment

  • OMG!

    Jim Stewart

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